Captcha Solver - Beta

Pre-register for our captcha solver beta and get 1000 free captcha solves on release!

Pre-register now and get 1000 free captcha solves when we release our beta captcha solver. Don't wait! Limited spots are available.

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Pre-register for ProxyScrape Captcha solver
Get 1000 free captcha solves on release


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Supported Captchas

Cloudflare turnstile


ReCaptcha V2

ReCaptcha V3

Frequently Asked Questions & Notes

For our beta-test release we plan to support Recaptcha v2 & v3, Hcaptcha ad Cloudflare turnstile.
The initial beta test will contain 1000 free captcha solves for the people that pre-register. Those who register for the beta test after the release will get 100 free captcha solves. As for the official release, we have no idea yet how much it will cost, we plan to first do a beta-release and most likely you won't be able to buy the service without contacting us. If there is enough interest we will turn it into a real service with a pricing of $0.8-$5 per 1000 requets, depending on the captcha service being solved.
This depends on how much interest there is for the product. If there is enough interest we will release it within 1-2 weeks.
As with any service, we expect that people will try to abuse our beta release. We have implemented a plethora of abuse preventions which we can not disclose the details off. Please do only register for the beta pre-release 1 time. Users that are detected of attempting to abuse our system will not get any account with our beta release at all.