Secure and Unrestricted TPB Access

Unlock the full potential of The Pirate Bay with our proxies that provide seamless access and enhanced security, ensuring your torrenting is private and unrestricted.

Why Our TPB Proxies
Are the Game-Changer You Need

Superior Speed and Reduced Latency

Direct proxies have low latency and up to 1 gbps speed, ensuring your tasks never get stuck!

Made with your usecases in mind

Crafted the most complex usecases in mind, our proxies ensure full compatibility and optimal performance, giving you the upper hand in every battle

Unlimited Bandwidth

Enjoy unlimited bandwidth with our ProxyScrape premium package and dedicated proxy servers.

Enhanced Security and Anonymity

Protect your online presence. Our proxies shield your IP address, safeguarding you from potential threats and prying eyes

Types of Proxies

Residential Proxies

Experience maximum success and speed with our 10M+ Residential proxy pool. Our ethically sourced proxies are guaranteed to get you around restrictions, suspensions, and blocks with 99% success rate and 2 sec response time.

10M+ back-connect rotating IP addresses all around the world

HTTP protocol for greater control and flexibility

Unlimited concurrent connections

99% success rate and quick 2 second response time for fast and reliable performance

Ethically sourced and backed by 24/7 uptime monitoring and a 99.9% uptime guarantee

24/7 Support

Premium Proxies

Our premium proxies are the top choice for fast and reliable performance you can trust. With over 40 000 proxies and a 99% success rate, these proxies offer unmatched speed, security, and privacy for all your online activities.

Unmatched speed and reliability for all your online needs

Unlimited bandwidth and concurrent connections to handle high-volume tasks and access multiple data sources

Advanced features like 3 IP authentication slots and API integration for greater control and customization

24/7 uptime monitoring and a 99.9% uptime guarantee for reliable, always-available service

Large pool of 50K http & Socks4/5 datacenter proxies for maximum flexibility

Dedicated Proxies

For the ultimate in control and customization, our dedicated proxies are the way to go. With IPs that belong exclusively to you and unlimited bandwidth and concurrent connections, you have the resources you need to handle even the most sensitive tasks.

Private IP addresses for maximum control and customization

Unlimited bandwidth and concurrent connections for unlimited activities

Speeds up to 1Gbps

IP authentication and API integration for greater control and customization

High redundancy and capacity for uninterrupted performance

Live chat support 24/7, to answer any questions, right when you need it.

Secure and Unrestricted TPB Access

Unlock the full potential of The Pirate Bay with our proxies that provide seamless access and enhanced security, ensuring your torrenting is private and unrestricted.

Bypass ISP Blocks

Overcome restrictions imposed by ISPs and access The Pirate Bay from anywhere in the world with our reliable proxy servers.

Enhance Your Privacy

Protect your identity and download activity on TPB with proxies that mask your IP address, shielding your activities from prying eyes.

High-Speed Torrent Downloads

Enjoy fast download speeds without ISP throttling, thanks to our high-performance proxy servers that optimize your connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do proxies improve my experience with The Pirate Bay?
Proxies allow you to access TPB anonymously and securely by replacing your IP address, thus preventing your ISP from tracking your activity and bypassing any geo-restrictions.
Is it safe to use The Pirate Bay with a proxy?
Yes, using a proxy adds a layer of security, making your use of TPB safer by anonymizing your online presence and encrypting your data to prevent monitoring.

Unlock The Pirate Bay with Total Privacy

Access a world of content on The Pirate Bay with the assurance of complete security and privacy through our dedicated proxy services.

Browse Safely and Anonymously Now