Author: ProxyScrape

Use Headless Browsers and Proxies to Scrape any Website

When you hear  “Headless browser,” I’m sure it is not a familiar tech gadget that you may have encountered in your everyday lives unless you know deep down how browsers function technically. Most of you are familiar with peculiar browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. So the only difference is that headless browsers

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The Ultimate List of Proxy Error Codes and How to Solve Them

Have you ever encountered error codes while using proxies while web scraping for instance? Suddenly became frustrated with not knowing the cause of the error and what you should do to resolve it? Then this post is for you, as well as anybody else interested in learning about proxy error codes and how to fix

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Web Scraping for Real Estate Industry

With the advent of the internet, the real estate sector saw a significant transformation. Data was previously difficult to obtain for real estate brokers since it was held in secure locations. Only the selected individuals had access to information about properties, pricing, and other pertinent details. Currently, as the web contains many resources, it’s difficult

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How to Bypass the Great Firewall in China

Whether you intend to travel to China or not for a brief stay or whether you’re a Chinese citizen or not, it is imperative to know how China censors its citizens’ internet usage. The Great Firewall of China plays a massive role in restricting internet content for Chinese citizens. This article will cover the Great

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Proxies for Academic Research

Academic Research involves gathering heaps of data from various sources, regardless of whether your research is quantitative or qualitative. Due to the comprehensive nature of these online data, academic researchers would have to depend on technology to extract them. One such automated technique that we would explore in this article is web scraping. However, web

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How Proxies Can be Used for a Better SEO Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a mechanism most online businesses use to drive tons of traffic to their websites by increasing their visibility in search engines. Achieving overwhelming traffic with SEO requires commitment, hard work, and trial and error with various methods. However, did you know that using proxies can make your SEO activities relatively

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What to Do If Craigslist IP Blocked You

Craigslist is a great platform to post ads on many brand categories, which has benefited users immensely across the globe. However, when you post on Craigslist, you must abide by their terms and conditions so that Craigslist doesn’t block you from accessing it through your IP address or block your account. So firstly, we will

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What is Browser Fingerprinting and How to Avoid It?

When browsing the internet, privacy should be your primary concern. As you’re already aware, websites employ various mechanisms to track your online identity; include recording your IP address, storing cookies on your browser, HTML 5 Canvas to name a few. You can easily mask your online identity by using proxies or deleting cookies on your

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Web Scraping Solutions for Cybersecurity

This article is about the use of web scraping solutions for cybersecurity for your business. Cybersecurity attacks are escalating daily despite the countermeasures that cybersecurity firms employ to combat them. In fact, according to recent research, the number of stolen and exposed credentials has risen 300%. Therefore cybersecurity firms are exploring new anti-breaching mechanisms to

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How to scrape Google search result pages (SERPs)

It needs no introduction that Google is the widely used platform for search-related queries of people across the globe. According to the Statista website, Google’s share of the global search market is 87.35%. Further, the stats have shown that Google exceeds 2 trillion users annually, indexing over 130 trillion pages.  These statistics prove that Google

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