Category: How To'S

Top JavaScript Libraries for Web Scraping

Whether you're a digital marketer gathering competitor data, a data engineer mining vast amounts of information, or a developer automating tedious tasks, web scraping can revolutionize your workflow. But which tools should you use to get the job done efficiently? This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the top Javascript libraries for web scraping, providing the insights needed to choose the right one for your projects.

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Scrape Emails from Websites using Python

In an age where data is king, the ability to scrape information from websites can give you a significant edge. Whether you're a Python developer, a web scraping enthusiast, or a digital marketer, learning to extract emails using Python can be very useful in your web scraping journey. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from the basics to advanced techniques.

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How to use Proxyscrape Proxies with Docker

Certain use cases require you to proxy traffic in programs that do not natively support proxies. The previous blog discussed how this is possible on Windows, but there are also plenty of use cases for proxies on Linux or even Docker containers for added flexibility.

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Transform Mobile Testing with Playwright and Mobile Proxies

Welcome, developers, web testers, QA engineers, and Python enthusiasts! If you're looking to elevate your mobile testing game, you've come to the right place. This blog post is your comprehensive guide to using mobile proxies with Playwright for mobile testing. We'll explore the basics, explain why mobile proxies are essential, and walk you through setting up and using them with Playwright. By the end, you'll be equipped with practical tips, and insights into future developments.

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Scrapoxy: The Ultimate Tool for Unrestricted Web Scraping

Web scraping has become an essential tool for developers, data scientists, and IT professionals looking to extract valuable data from websites. However, the challenge of avoiding bans, managing request rates, and maintaining anonymity can be daunting. Enter ProxyScrape and Scrapoxy—two powerful tools that, when integrated, make web scraping more efficient and effective.

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Website Performance Load Testing using JMeter and Proxy.

In the digital age, where every second counts, ensuring your website's performance is up to par is not just a necessity—it's a survival strategy. With users' expectations higher than ever, a slow-loading page could mean the difference between a converted customer and a lost opportunity. This is where Apache JMeter™ and proxy servers come into play, offering a powerful combination for load testing your website to ensure it can handle high traffic volumes without compromising on speed or user experience.

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How to Bypass CAPTCHAs When Web Scraping? – 5 Simple Steps

When you scrape data from large-scale websites, it is least likely that you didn’t have to face a CAPTCHA to prove that you’re a human. As a web scraper, you may already know why cybersecurity professionals were forced to invent them. They were a result of your bots automating endless website requests to access them.

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TikTok Proxy – Ultimate Guide 2024

A TikTok Proxy unblocks restrictions and overcomes the challenges in using applications like TikTok. TikTok Statistics and Facts says that the United States had 740 million new users in 2021. TikTok kept growing year by year as its first-time installer rate rose 400% each year. With this growing popularity, came a special threat. The TikTok

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Curl With A Proxy And Its 4 Unique Benefits

Using cURL with a proxy is a unique way to access blocked sites by staying anonymous in data communication. The recent survey of TechJury says that nearly 1.14 trillion MB of data is generated every day. As the internet is an easily accessible source of such huge data, people generally prefer multiple ways to access

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5 Best Proxy Switchers And Their Working

Proxy switcher is the concept with which users can switch between multiple proxies as per their preferences. Proxy users can add proxies of different geographical locations, protocols, and types and use the suitable one for each operation they do. This article will discuss the working of the proxy switcher along with the list of popular

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